Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

In honor of Earth Day (yay!) I'm going to show you some crafts that I have done in the past with (mostly) recycled stuff! I'm not saying these are actual recycled products, but rather they have been recycled within my craft collection. I generally do these crafts when I'm looking for a challenge. The challenge is to make a craft without spending any extra money on it (aka not having to buy anything SPECIFICALLY for that craft). Enjoy!

These first three items are slightly strange, but oh well. My roommate and I painted some letters earlier this year and hung them up on the wall as a quote. The letters we had left were D, L, U, G, and F. My roommate was going to throw them away but I told her maybe I would do something with them later. 
Anyways, I contemplated forever, but decided on finding a word that started with the letter (D is for darling, etc) and find a coordinating picture to go with the word. Here are three of the five letters that I decorated:

D is for darling. Darling is what my parents are. This is a picture of them on their honeymoon. My siblings and I are sending them back this summer and we can't wait! 

U is for unique. Unique is what my friend, Kelsey and I are. We are unique people and we have a unique friendship. It's fabulous.

L is for laugh. Laughing is one my favorite things to do. This is a picture of my sister and I. 

This next craft is a little difficult to read, but oh well. I found this greeting card at a store and I absolutely loved the saying. So instead of buying the card, I wrote it down. Later, I realized I had this lid from a bowl sitting around that I wasn't using. So, I decided to paint it, cut out some magazine letters, and make it into wall art.

"Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself."

This next project may be one of my favorites. I found some crafting book a while back that gave me the idea to make a clock. I was DETERMINED to make this clock without spending any extra money and I did. I took apart and old clock that I had (which was now collecting dust under my bed), and I found a cardboard hat box sitting around at work that I snatched (they were going to throw them away). Next, I cut apart the box, and painted it. I scrummaged through my house to find items to use for the numbers and this is what I came up with:

Thats all for now! Happy crafting AND earth day!


  1. I like your 'recycled' projects :) and I think you should make me a clock, becuase the ones at the store are just boring... yours are much more interesting!

  2. Yea, you're going to have to step it up in blogworld, rookie!

    I love that picture of us on the L, that laugh was real...I remember cracking up at your supposed 'tough' face!
