Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Little bit of this...little bit of that...

My mind grapes have been juicing everyday since I got home from school! I have made several different crafts over the past week and I shall share them with you now. 

I have made a few more hair clips because they are fast, easy, and fun. 

This one is made with a yo-yo. I just learned how to make yo-yo's last night (thanks to online tutorials) and I'm really excited about them. In my next post I will show you what my friend Kelsey and I made with yo-yo's...and you should be excited to see them because they are awesome. 

I was fairly bored one night and as I was sitting down in my mom and I's craft corner (mostly cardmaking) I decided to mix these two ingredients (shown below) with some plain brown boxes I have been meaning to decorate for about a year. 

This is how they turned out:

Pretty slick, eh?

M is for Mom. I love my mom. Isn't she beautiful?

P is for Play. Jeffrey and Lori play football in the yard and my broski plays football for the hawkeyes. 

A is for Art. I love making art. The top of the A is a painting that Kelsey gave me, and bottom of the A are the shoes that Britney and I made a while back. 

I'll be back in a few days to show off what the mind grapes produced last night! yayyy.
Until then


  1. FAST! EASY! FUN! Yay for yo yo's!

  2. I am so excited i made it onto one of your letters! also, i love the boxes- if you have any extra i wouldnt mind taking one off your hands :)

  3. Love your letters! Mind if I make some??
