Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Necklaces galore+celebrations=long blog post.

Hello again!
Sorry we are so terrible at updating this blog. Life seems to be flying by right meow. Both Kelsey and I have made several different necklaces that we realized we have not shared with you guys yet! First and foremost, the yo-yo necklaces, which we made at the beginning of the summer and never got around to posting:
         The one on the left is mine. I even hand splatter painted two of the yo-yos! The one on the right is Kelseys. She stepped out of her box with the colors but I absolutely love it!

Moving on, Kelsey made a wooden bead necklace with canvas rosettes while I attempted a necklace made out of chain for the first time. Both necklaces turned out super cute.

This necklace is made from vintage brass material. 
The two charms that are in the center cluster read 
"create" and "believe".

My last necklace that I made is a giant button attached to some seed bead strands. I like to colors a lot but I'm still unsure about the button being a little TOO big. Oh well, it's fun.

Lastly, Kelsey made some super adorable fabric covered bead necklaces. I love them both A LOT.

Now! For some news about our lives...Kelsey turned 21 last week! Yayyy! Happy Birthday to Kelsey! Here are a couple pictures from her celebration.

Kelsey and some friends out to dinner at the Saloon and Kelsey with her birthday cake! (notice her cute necklace that she is wearing??)

and last but not least, on the same day as Kelsey's birthday, Jeffrey and I celebrated our 3 year :) I love him a lot. 

Okay thats all for now, but I promise we will be back SOON with more crafty posts :)
Until then,


  1. yay for a blog post!!! i like the big button necklace a lot emily, its the first time i have seen it- which is why you two need to keep up on the blog!! :) :)

  2. I second that cheers for a new post! I like the vintage iron necklace.
    Congrats on the ani and the birthday!

  3. These necklaces that are quite unique and creative are sure to get your attention.
